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mercoledì, Ottobre 23, 2024

The trasport and logistic sector starts from the Mediterranean


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It could only be Barcelona, the host city of the MedaLogistics summit, which has become an annual landmark for the logistics and transport sector in the Mediterranean.

Barcelona not only because the event is organized by ASCAME, the Association of Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry, together with the Zona Franca Consortia and with the support of the Chamber of Commerce of the Catalan capital.

Barcelona because it is a well-established reference point for the logistics sector as the economic “capital” of the Mediterranean, a sea that connects three continents acting as a great channel for most of the east- west sea flows in the world. From here, the foundations were laid for a large global logistics platform with the “Declaration of the summit of international trade in Barcelona 2019”, signed by Pere Navarro, special delegate of the Free Zone Consortia; Galo Molina, President of ALACAT (Federation of national associations of logistics operators in the countries of the South American Coase); Antoni Llobet, president of the general council of OAS; Anwar Zibaoui, general director of ASCAME; and Mohammed Alzarooni, President of the World Free Zones Organization WZFO. With this declaration, in essence, Barcelona becomes an epicentre for the logistics sector recognized by its operators.

However, MedaLogistics was also much more. Over 250 people from 40 countries participated in the various forums held over the two days: in particular, 8 sessions with 32 high- profile speakers, including ministerial delegates from southern Mediterranean countries such as Morocco and Tunisia, public officials, agency representatives multilateral and international and key figures in the private sector.

On these occasions of meeting and discussion, the current situation of the sector was traced in an analytical way, setting challenges and opportunities, and establishing a contact platform for the representatives of organizations, international and regional associations, entrepreneurs, future investors and partners.

To the point of reaffirming, the importance that the Mediterranean region still has for the movement of hoods from and around the world. A region that has more than 450 ports and terminals, it represents 30% of global maritime trade by turnover and it the leading tourist destination in the world. On the other hand, it is also responsible for 23% of total carbon emissions, and therefore responsible for new challenges to be pursued globally. We talk about it with Anwar Zibaoui, general director of ASCAME.

With the Barcelona Summit, what ideas emerged from the transport and logistics sectors to build an increasingly efficient and environmentally sustainable economy in the long run?

Mediterranean logistics & transport summit has helped shaped regional Logistic industry for over a 2 decades through knowledge sharing, market, facilitating influential meetings. Serves as a platform to identify problems, propose solutions, & harness innovative technologies.

The Mediterranean region is facing multiple challenges, mostly related to the consolidation of its position as a strong region in the economic world. Some changes are crucial such as making the private sector a key factor in the economic and social development. we must act quickly to build a unified economic and financial Mediterranean strategy. The door is open to an historic change that should promote the construction of a stable, prosperous and sustainable area.

 The Mediterranean Sea region has been identified as one of the main climate change hotspots and areas most responsive to climate change due to water scarcity, concentration of economic activities in coastal areas, and reliance on climate-sensitive agriculture.

The future of the Mediterranean situated along a vast stretch of coastline reaching the strategic 3 continents  is linked to the sea – and the region’s ability to leverage this connection will be key to its economic development in the years ahead..

Mediterranean  region boasts 450 ports and terminals,30% of global seaborne trade by volume , the first touristic destination in the world and  world’s second-largest destination for cruise-ship tourism coastal population of 150 million people and doubles during tourist season.350,000 direct jobs created

it is essential to preserve these specificities and qualities of the Mediterranean territory, which have proved both vital and extremely vulnerable. The future of the region depends heavily on the sustainability of its future economic growth. Sustainability must be perceived as an opportunity

Transport and logistics since the sector is essential to the Euro-Mediterranean integration. That’s why, it is necessary, today more than ever, to facilitate a global and unique strategy to the system and transportation networks that, with an integrating impact, will benefit the economy and competitiveness of the region.

How is this strategic sector of the world economy evolving and what are the new needs imposed by an increasingly technological and interconnected future?

It is evident that the transport and logistics sector is decisive to ensure an effective integration of the Mediterranean region and stimulate trade and exchange between the two shores. The two main objectives of the cooperation at the level of the Euro-Mediterranean transport reside first in the development of infrastructures capable of effectively linking the various countries of the region but also in the convergence of regulatory standards of these countries. It is essential to upgrade the logistics system between the north and the south and to put in place an efficient, sustainable and healthy transport system in order to facilitate the economic development of the countries in the region.

Digital Big Bang and  Smart Mediterranean Transport & Logistics 4.0 is changing times and opportunities, Technology is transforming transportation, It’s common knowledge that technology is disrupting the industry. Many supply chain logistics Companies , professionals are experiencing those disruptions in their day-to-day operations – and certainly foresee big impacts in the immediate future, let alone in a few years’ time. But with all the talk about emerging technologies, it can be difficult to understand what’s just hype and speculation and what you need to act upon.  And with the demands already on today’s Mediterranean logistics sector, keeping up with emerging technology can be overwhelming. We need to Adapt business models to embrace new and advancing technologies.

Why does the Mediterranean, the cradle of the most ancient civilizations and historic crossroads of trade, remain a crucial place for the economy  of the new millennium? How is the network developing among the countries bordering this sea?

The Mediterranean region as a global player in the transport infrastructure sector , a sector that plays an important role in any nation

It is important facilitate the establishment of an integrated transport and multimodal networkthat will help strengthening trade between the EU and between the Mediterranean partners but also between the southern countries, fostering thus the creation of a Mediterranean economic integration zone. We must focus and go for an effective multimodal system of air-sea transport through the improvement and modernization of ports and airports. Besides, the creation of terrestrial links and the connection of Mediterranean transport networks to the trans-European networks will ensure interoperability. Without connected and communicated networks, it is impossible to speak about integration and this is not just the task of administrations but of all public or private institutions which are called to work together to achieve this.

For 3000 yrs, Mediterranean our nations have been bound by Wine & Olive Oil. Today  are also bound by energy agriculture healthcare High-tech & above all shared ideas and interests”. The  Mediterranean Connection  that Transport provides widens horizons and opens up opportunities. It builds stronger communities and expands their reach. It strengthens the economies and helps the societies to prosper.

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