23.8 C
martedì, Luglio 23, 2024

Malta Blockchain Summit 2018 inaugural launch


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Inspired by the recent initiation of Malta’s Virtual Currency Act, the Malta Blockchain Summit will be held for the first time this year on the 1st to 2ndNovember at the Malta InterContinental.

Boasting over 4000 delegates, 100 speakers and 200 sponsors and exhibitors, it promises to be an innovative and momentous opportunity for global influencers to network, forge new connections and debate the potential applications of Blockchain across a myriad of industries such as development, tokenomics & cryptocurrencies, regulatory, and affiliates & marketing.

With the opportunity for custom built stands and packages at various competitive price points, exhibitors will be spoilt for choice. The pinnacle of which is the exclusive Platinum package which is cram-packed with tempting lures: such as a four-page interview with photo shoot and company profile in Blockchain Magazine, a double page advert and 20 hours of consultancy by Malta Blockchain Summit.

There are also exciting sponsorship deals to be found from a WiFi Sponsorship package to the Exclusive Main Entrance package, all offering an unmissable chance to get your brand seen by the people that matter.

Delegates can expect their business to be sweetened with a much-anticipated Crypto Cruise, sumptuous evening meals, a decadent Champagne Brunch, and a Rum & Cigar Night –all scheduled on and around these dates.

The agenda for the event will also include a Hackathon and a riveting ICO pitch. The pitch will see 50 start-up hopefuls pitch their projects, followed by an interactive question and answer session between audience and investors.

Closing Night will offer a welcome opportunity to unwind, relax, and celebrate the culmination of a successful summit. Delegates will have the opportunity to experience the limpid Mediterranean waters and ancient, craggy coastline through a Crypto Cruise followed by an enviously luxurious crypto party.

An illustrious melting pot of global speakers has already been confirmed to take part, including prominent individuals such as: Hon. Joseph Muscat, Jon Matonis, James Catania, Max Krupyshev, Gordon Einstein, Miko Matsumura, Joseph Cuschieri, Sally Eaves, Kohei Kurihara, Karl Schranz, Pavel Kravchenko and Vince Vella.

Peruse the floor plan to this event and check further opportunities when you visit www.maltablockchainsummit.com

Malta Business will participate in the event as an affiliate. We are at your disposal for any further information.

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